AlltheColors.eth Delegate Platform

ETH Address:

ENS name:

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

Folks who delegate to me can expect advocacy and voting that prioritizes (in order):

  • protocol security
  • accessibility for smaller market participants
  • regulatory compliance
  • caution on funding ecosystem projects with DAO resources until liquidity sufficient to absorb such funding on DEXes is well established

I am a DeFi user/dabbler turned governor, analyst, hobbyist-developer, and grant manager. Discovering and experiencing permissionless lending that “just worked” on Compound in 2018-2019 (pre-COMP) was a light-bulb moment for me: I felt viscerally what all the excitement about smart contracts was about and how Compound’s accomplishments were just scratching the surface. I am excited about experimentation in the undercollateralized space and believe that Union’s approach has the potential to catch fire with the right sparks.

My Web3 interests:

Accessibility, Data and analytics, Education, Privacy, Security
My interest in accessibility includes financial access, e.g. through compliant, non-predatory undercollateralized lending, which is why I’m personally interested in engaging with protocols experimenting with these ideas

My Web3 qualifications:

I have been most involved with Compound:

  • currently serving as a community-nominated grant domain allocator for the Compound Grants Program operated by Questbook
  • co-drafted an Aztec Connect bridge for Aztec zk-rollup users to cost-efficiently and privately interact with the Compound protocol (launching shortly)
  • performed analytics on Compound’s early users to deliver data for a proposal (ultimately defeated) for a retroactive airdrop to early users
  • top-20 contributor on the Compound Governance forum by most metrics

Although I am less active on-chain these days than between 2020-2022, I have been an UMA voter, a curator for TheGraph, and a former or current governance participant in DeFi DAOs like Euler, Forth Governance (Ampleforth), and InstaDapp. (Some of these activities are not associated with my ENS address)

Additional links:

  • GitHub: 0xA1176ec01045 (allthecolors)
  • X/Twitter username: 0xA1176ec01045
  • Discord: Display Name allthecolors, Username 0xallthecolors